Gender Office Wars

Scientists Explain Why Women are More Affected by Cold Temperatures in the Workplace

The controversy of temperature wars is a familiar issue in the workplace. Following years of dispute between the division of men and women, scientists have accumulated reasoning of why females are more vulnerable to colder temperatures in the office. Medical contributor, Dr. Tara Narula notes, “Women like it 77 degrees, men usually like it 72 degrees. That’s a big gap.” Scientists explain that the comparison of gender body composition and choice of clothing aids the understanding of this huge difference (information via CBS News*).

Difference in Body Structure

The composition of the female body has a lot to do with the susceptibility of cold temperatures. Dr. Narula reveals that when compared to men, women are smaller in shape with greater body fat and lower muscle mass.  In turn, this causes women to have lower metabolic rates.

The exposure to colder temperatures during work shifts also lowers metabolic rates as the body tries to conserve energy and heat instead of giving it off. All these factors attribute to greater susceptibility to the cold.

Women can also experience symptoms that will affect their productivity levels. Lower metabolic rates can cause fatigue, impaired memory, and even muscle weakness which could influence their performance at work. Therefore keeping all employees as warm as they desire is beneficial not only for them, but for the company’s objectives.

Office Apparel

Another important component to explain why women feel colder in the office involves their choice in clothing. As men tend to suit-up for the job, acceptable womens’ office clothing options typically possess less coverage. The layers of clothing that a suit entails has the ability to keep men warmer while working.

In Summary

From the reasons given, women’s need for warmer thermostat temperatures is more than a preference. The difference in the way males and females are composed has a huge impact on their ability to take on the cold.

*CBS News. August 4, 2015.